Reasons Why South Park is Better Than Rugrats

The Top Ten
1 South Park Has Extreme Dark Humor and Rugrats Doesn't

What Stu's middle finger?
They put a breastfeeding scene on a kids show Phil and Lil.
A kid his age should be playing with his friends, not alone in his room bopping' his Boppo - Phil, a toddler.
Angelica's mom - Born under Venus, look for a - her phone rings.
Man. They cut my cord. Consider yourself lucky.
I'm back from a game of Russian roulette with the guys. Did you win, Pops? You really don't know what Russian roulette is. The grandfather was a dark character.
Chuckie - Wow, we got a baby.
Lil - I wish we talked about it first. I don't know if I'm ready.
Angelica and the letter bricks saying "g" "a" "y"
Didi It's four o' clock in the morning in the morning. Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Stu - Because I've lost control of my life.
Because it's about babies people think no adult jokes.

I like both Shows

2 South Park Has Better Characters

WHAT?! This list is stupid! South Park's first 16 seasons were HORRIBLE! It has gotten better since season 17, but HOW IS SOUTH PARK BETTER THAN RUGRATS?! Rugrats has a lot of story arcs, morals, diversity, drama, great animation, unique art, beautiful colors, and FANTASTIC voice acting! It was the ORIGINAL Adventure Time! HOW DARE YOU HATE RUGRATS! RUGRATS IS ONE OF THE BEST CARTOONS EVER! - Grojfan101

3 No Annoying Babies in South Park
4 South Park Has Better Animation

True, people say it has bad animation because it's made by paper, I personally disagree though. The animation is Rugrats is really funny-looking...

5 South Park is for Grown Ups and Rugrats is for Kids Under the Age of 6

That doesn't exactly mean Rugrats is bad though. But I respect your opinion.

6 South Park Has an Avatar Creator, Rugrats Does Not
7 South Park Has Gross Humor but that is What Makes It Funny
8 South Park is Funnier

Yeah, I'm gonna say it's kinda funnier than Rugrats but Rugrats has it's funny moments too. South Park is about four times funnier than Rugrats.

9 There are No Annoying Crying Babies in South Park
10 Chocolate Salty Balls - Isaac Hayes
The Contenders
11 Eric Cartman is Better Than Tommy Pickles
12 Rugrats is Creepy for Little Kids
13 Rugrats is not just about babies.
14 Stan is Cuter Than Tommy
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