Top Ten Reasons Why SpongeBob SquarePants Counts As an Adult Show

The Top Ten
1 It Has Adult Jokes

Fun fact: SpongeBob was originally supposed to be on Adult Swim, but they decided not to put it on there.

It has good Adult jokes though.

It does, a lot. Actually.

2 Mr. Krabs Swore at Spongebob

Witch episode?

3 Spongebob Was Blowing Balloons That Looked Like Condoms

*internal screaming*

4 Sexual References

Spongebob is super absorbent and lives in bikini bottom... Spongebob is a tampon

5 Driving Someone to Suicide
6 In ''Mid Life Crustacean'' Mr. Krabs Said Porn

What quote did he say "porn" in?

7 It Has Suicidal Jokes

Just because it snuck some references past the censors doesn't automatically make it for adults. By that logic, almost every kid show ever is an adult show.

8 It Has Animal Abuse
9 It Has Gore
10 It's Creepy
The Contenders
11 Inappropriate For Younger Audiences At Times
12 Squidward Torture Porn

I'm just a dumb kid who doesn't know what a torture porn is but I'm guessing it's adult so I'm putting it on the list

13 Racism
14 They Live in a "Bikini Bottom"
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