Top Ten Reasons Why Super Mario Galaxy is Better Than the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Everytime I see a game reviewer lick OOT ass, I have an anger attack, Mario is better
The Top Ten
1 Ocarina of Time is overrated
2 Mario is a better and nicer character than Link
3 The baby Luma in SMG is a better companion than Navi
4 SMG introduced new gameplay elements while OOT is the same crap
5 Link just saves Hyrule while Mario saves the universe

This should be number one

6 SMG is kid friendly unlike OOT
7 Link just has a dull sword while Mario has ton of power ups
8 SMG has better graphics
9 Mario is more fun
10 SMG has more creative things
The Contenders
11 SMG Has More Appropriate Sound
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