Top Ten Reasons Why Therandom Is Not Underrated

People keep saying I'm underrated, but I'm not. I have 86 followers people.
The Top Ten
1 He is successful
2 He is number 27 on the best users list
3 His blog posts are well received by most
4 He has 86 followers

Now you have 87 followers. I am Kieran Glen Harris Stark, a new follower.

5 He is friends with popular users

Considering they're all wonderful people, its not hard to befriend them. And if anything, being friends with popular member shouldn't be a status symbol...

To be honest, I think that is because they are popular, so they have many friends. Being on their best users remix would be an achivment.

No, that would be weird. Like their friendship is something to be won.

Lets say Epic Jake, He is one of the coolest

6 His random challenges season 2 was a huge hit

But season 1 was underrated, I will admit That.

7 He has a high quality blog post

If anything, this makes you more underrated

8 He has many posts
9 He has many comments
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