Top 10 Reasons Why Trump Won the 2016 Election

The Top Ten
1 He won 4 major Democrat battleground states

Did anyone hear about the ridiculous protests about Trump being president?

I don't remember any republicans ranting about the presidential pick for the last two presidential elections.

Stop acting like children and just accept your new president. You can't change anything.

People wanted change. And whether or not you like Trump, him winning usually Democrat stats is symbolic of that.

It's true, I'm a registered democrat but I voted for him.

2 Trump had most of the non-college degree votes

Or in other words; Trump won the 2016 election because the most stupid people of the US voted for him. In fact it's very logic why he won. A great majority of Americans are stupid (they don't have any common knowledge and for that matter they certainly don't have any political knowledge) and you must have a majority of votes to win.

That makes me totally in favor of only allowing those with college degrees to vote.

3 Hillary had few ads or appearances in the battleground states
4 Trump made more appearances in battleground states
5 Some Hillary supporters switched to Trump at the last minute

I knew this was going to happen.

6 Hillary got small states

Not exactly correct. Hillary got California, and by a wide margin.
California is so huge, it causes "the California effect", and is the reason she won the popular vote.
If you subtract the nearly 3 million votes she won by in California, she loses the popular vote by a lot, and if you subtract the state's 40-odd electoral votes, she loses by an even bigger margin than she already did.

Hillary got 1.1 million more votes than Trump did in Los Angeles, far more than her total popular vote advantage. The electoral college was created for exactly that reason, to prevent Los Angeles [or any large population center] for dominating a national election.

7 Americans are stupid

The "stupid Americans" seem to have gathered on this site to piss and moan about leftism, corruption and political correctness being RESOUNDINGLY rejected by normal Americans.

What? Okay, you guys are saying Americans are stupid for having an opinion?

I don't think you guys know about what's happening in the middle states.

8 Hillary had email stuff come up at the last minute

People are much more willing to vote for someone they dislike rather than someone they distrust. Even if I don't like person X, if they are trustworthy, then I will likely be willing to hand responsibility to them. Much more willing, anyway, to give them responsibility than person Y, who, while they're a nice guy, they're also fickle and you can't trust them. Trump is person X, who is a bit of a jerk, but you always know he's honest (seriously, read his twitter; if he thinks it, he's saying it). Clinton was person Y, who was a bit more popular, but less trustworthy.

9 Americans did not want another dynasty

Tump defeated two of America's top political dynasty families, the Bush family during the primaries, and the Clinton family during the election. America has had more than enough Bushes and Clintons. No doubt there is a young Kennedy out there lurking, who we will see in the next decade or two.

No, they want a new emperor. Imperialist Trump is the best for that position.

10 Because he said he will "make America great again"

Loved all the flashback video from Bill Clinton's first campaign, it was his slogan back then too.

I have to agree with this one, you should never trust what a candidate says in the campagin. Just look at Barack Obama for example.

The Contenders
11 Hillary didn't get as many votes as Obama in the 2012 election from Hispanics, blacks, and women
12 He's potentially the better choice of the 2 major candidates
13 People think he is funny
14 Trump had greater momentum throughout some battleground states
15 Hillary kept slipping up
16 Memes

I doubt that Trump won just cause of memes.

This may seem like a joke but Donald trump was a meme. So maybe that influenced people?

17 No one wanted 4-8 more years of Obamacare
18 Because Americans are brainwashed by populism
19 He was the only chance left of electing a Republican

It said so on Fox News days before election.

20 Only Republicans showed up to vote
21 Because the Alt Left was too mild

After the election, they became unhinged lunatics.

22 When deciding who to vote for, many said it was choosing the "lesser of the 2 evils"
23 As a protest vote against identity politics
24 He does not support abortion
25 Trump isn't a feminist
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