Top 10 Reasons Why Trying to Eat PositronWildhawk's Bacon Sandwich is Pointless

(This list is not meant to be taken seriously)
Aye..... it's best to not eat his sandwich.
The Top Ten
1 Just one bite fills your organs up with poison killing you

Trust me not worth dying over...

2 Positron will kill you if you attempt to eat it
3 While poison enters your blood stream from eating the sandwich your head explodes as well. Then you're dead

Basically a double whammy plus a fatality.

4 The sandwich makes your worst nightmare become real

So, shrouded beings with needle-like teeth sucking out my soul in a blank white room?

Doesn't seem good.

5 Touching the sandwich turns you into George W. Bush

Yeah enough said.

6 If you eat the sandwich you lose your entire IQ/Intelligence

To be fair, if someone touches his bacon sandwich, they probably aren't that smart to begin with

Well considering how I don't want to become a moron I'm not going to eat it...

7 Positron will make Chuck Norris kill you if you are near the sandwich

Followed by a unpleasant end result.

8 Upon consumption you will become numb

I wouldn't want to become numb over that T_T

9 Positron has security that would kick you out quickly after attempting to eat it

Tough security eh?

10 It's heavily guarded by Positron himself

He guards heavily with a giant robotic eagle that shoots lasers at anyone that attempts to eat it.

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