Top Ten Reasons Why We Should Kill Off Conservatives

The Top Ten
1 There would be less hate crimes

When a political party becomes a terrorist organization working for a foreign power it is time for it to end. If this requires all Trumpists to be executed, so be it. Remember American conservatives and their pundits on radio/cable have threatened to murder other demographics for decades so this would not be a hate crime, it would be self-defense as well as required for national security.

What an idiotic extremist list. Filled with hypocrisy and hate. Come on, grow up.
Also, this is ironic. Cue "Isn't It Ironic" by Alanis Morisette. Killing off a group of people because of their beliefs is a hate crime in itself. Someone forgot to take their logical pill this morning.

It isn't right that of a racist yells hateful things to someone and that person retaliates with violent, the racist can charge then with battery

That doesn't make any sense! Saying that Genocide on conservatives means less hate crimes?! What?!

2 Science could advance faster

Conservatives have a 'follow the pack' mentality. This is why they are all a bunch of followers, with very very few leaders. Next to impossible for them to think for themselves. They continually hold back innovation, thinking that capitalism is some how going to save the world because it worked for maybe a couple decades. Like a child with a toy top that doesn't keep spinning, are the republicans trying to keep their beliefs afloat. Its why the whole world suffers. In fact all of their ideologies, are nothing more than wishful thinking or gut feelings passed down by their fathers. Liberals on the other hand, focus on science to give them answers to their realities. Science is the key to everything and sheds a light on all the lies, and that is why it is no surprise that MANY conservatives are also anti-science.

Science, bad. This is the mentality of these low forehead, 1500cc cranium right wingers. We are watching the end of NASA, PBS, documentaries not involving mud trucks, and the use of the apostrophe.

Not only the right own firearms. And by using trig, can hit a target with greater accuracy.

Conservatives just want to read the bible and practice their religion and any studying would be "satanic" so yes we should definitely remove conservatives.

Yup. If you meet a person smart enough to have a Ph.D. they are also smart enough to not be a conservative. The conservative agenda is objectively flawed and appeals only to subhuman trash.

3 We could make equality happen easier

Equality is not about forcing everyone to be equal. And it certainly isn't about erasing anyone or anything that has different beliefs or views than you. It is the total opposite. This list is pure anti-American, anti-freedom trash.

Conservatives are sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, and very unintelligent, not to mention pro life which is a very stupid belief. So if they were eliminated equality could happen.

So we're going to kill the billionaires and millionaires first?! Then the conservatives?...asking for that's what it would take...inequality is not due directly to conservatism it has everything to do with the top 2%. You know...the people conservatives would sell their children and souls to kiss ass.

If by equality you mean punishing people for hard work and common sense, carry on.

4 No one would prioritize fetus over women

Oh, but according to Regressives, women's lives don't matter unless Donald Mussolini can grab their genitals. I'd just love to know what these amoebas plan to do with the present AND upcoming millions of orphans, specially the ones with congenital issues (and in need of very, very costly, advanced medical treatment). I assume non-Aryan embryos and fetuses will not be "protected" by the "pro-life" crew. Or, they will, but only to be sent to China and Dubai become slaves at the Trumps' sweat shops.

Anti-Abortion mental midgets are NOT "pro-life", if they are they wouldn't vote Republican in the United States. Why? Because "Pro-Life" implies all life is valuable at all times and should not be taken by another...but US conservatives, at least Republicans, are pro-death penalty...thus they are anti-abortion NOT "pro-life". Besides the ONLY life a conservative gives a real about is his/her own...and anyone who might help them make more money.

What you don't understand is that pro life is just that, pro life. That includes the mothers life. In the EXTREMELY rare, LESS THAN 1%, case where the mother would die without the abortion, the doctors will choose to save the mothers life and abort the child. So really, pro life isn't completely anti-abortion.

Pro-lifers are controlling people who want to ruin our rights and think unborn fetuses should be treated and given more rights than a women.

5 They are idiots

They are idiots, they say things like this all the time, and they are intellectually inferior. It is uncontoroversial to assert an undeniable association of low IQ and social conservatism. Like Mill said, not all are conservatives are stupid but most stupid people are conservative. They are useless leaches who contribute nothing to human advancement and evolution and moreover they are a repository of genetic traits which have long since lost any adaptive edge. Conservatives have a nearly absent record of scientific discovery, artistic or cultural achievement, technological innovation and in addition are generally allergic to facts and logic. Kill them all!

I may be a liberal, but this is a ridiculous claim. In some countries such as mine, the conservative parties are corrupt for different reasons, but even I will say that there are conservative values that are crucial to society. Too far to one side, and you can no longer call it a free country.

I'm a Social Democrat which means I'm left leaning/centre-left and I agree conservatives are idiots(Well most of them are) but killing them off is too much.Of course conservatives have idiotic beliefs as some of them think the Iraq War was good,others think big businesses/corporations are not greedy and don't exploit third world countries,etc but we can't kill them off.That's what we should do to fascists and communists.-DarkBoi-X

Sorry. Not true at all. All I can say is that a conservative person would never say anything like this. Thank god I'm not liberal.

6 Less christian extremists

Well, the only bad Christian extremists I see are Westboro Baptist Church members and retards who have "God hates F***" posters and shirts but that isn't even extremism at all! If you want real extremism, take a visit to the Middle East, you have ISIS, the Taliban, and Al Queda.

I'm fine with all religions but not the extremists who try to force their beliefs down everyone's throats, which are conservatives.

If people think the only bad christian extremists are westboro baptists, they probably are christian extremists. Oh, and there are NO good ones.

You can be Christian extremist without having to be conservative.

7 So they can't teach their kids to be conservatives

No...if you kill conservatives you must also kill their children, this way none will grow up to seek vengeance. (But a conservative brought up the initial thought of "killing all conservatives" for EVERY conservative I have ever met would LOVE to murder every liberal...and they fear the liberals want the same for them and their kids..)

I aborted my child, Thanks Roe! But those of you who didn't, step up and teach them right! And by that I mean Left. Your daughters are self autonomous. They do not cater to men. They are not here for man's pleasure. They can say NO.

This is THE reason. Conservatives are the worst. Nothing they believe is based in reality, they are stupid enough to vote against their best interests. They also force conservativism on their kids. Most people CHOOSE liberalism.

Sorry, but I'm a conservative, and so are many people my age. We were raised right, raised to not believe mainstream media, and raised to form our own opinions and think deeply about different subjects.

8 So everyone will be a liberal

No...everyone will not be liberal if we liquidate American conservatives for some will inevitably be able to hide or avoid the purge one way or another. Plus views change thus some liberals will turn or vice versa...this sort of thing works better with ethnic groups rather than ideologies. (besides if anyone takes this BS seriously they are absolutely crazy)

Criticizes conservatives for shoving their beliefs down people's throats. Says the world would be better with only liberals.

ToptensPizza, you just drive way too far to the left as the republicans you criticize steer too far to the right.

To be honest, I don't care about liberals OR conservatives, and I believe every political party in currect existance is "incorrect", and even if we attempted to make a new party, it would be "incorrect". Mixing the pros together and leaving the cons out would be our best shot...

Never forget that if everyone is a Liberal, we will soon run out of Other People's Money.

9 To make America great again
10 Everyone's lives would improve

Tell us again why President Hillary Clinton would have been worse?!

NRA are terrorists! All republicans and all religious are terrorists, too as per their actions not words. Jail dictator trump nazi pence kkk member treasonous McConnell regime immediately! Why still like war criminal gwbush regime are they still running around free?!

Stolen election! Stolen seats! Jail all republicans immediately!

Stop watching the children's channel Fixed Noise propaganda. This IS life and not some NASCAR race or television show or football game where my team beats yours and too bad for you. Grow up trump hicks. We know where you live.

Stupid trump hick deplorables. Stop voting as you and yours aren't smart enough to even spell skool.

Attention: trump hick deplorables, as of today, you are no longer allowed to vote as you and yours aren't smart enough and always vote against those who are much more intelligent than you will ever be. Ruin your own lives okay BUT ...more

Obviously not for if you killed every conservative...thus someone in your family would be different if the scenario was flipped, there is a liberal in every conservative enclave and family...same with liberal enclaves and families; they have a conservative somewhere (typically drunk at a BBQ hitting on a cousin or his/her sibling).

Women could get access to safe abortions, homosexuals will be allowed to marry everywhere and not given the death penalty all over the world, and come out easier same with transgenders, and less discrimination everywhere.

The Contenders
11 They disregard the poor
12 They do not care about anything but themselves
13 To reduce overpopulation
14 They're greedy
15 They're evil

At this point, anyone who still aligns with the Republican Party is evil and the enemy. Nothing else about them matters, they’ve shown their true colors. They are soulless, cannot be trusted and have nothing positive to contribute.

16 They are slowing down evolution

Unfortunately American conservatives breed so they are contributing to the genetic diversity of the human race...but ending them all and liquidating their families would at least shut them up for a couple generations. By the time conservatism returns the United States would be so different their "right-wing" would be merely a conservative form of liberalism.

Oh, really? Politics are stopping us from developing immunity to diseases by nature? David Cameron will rewrite everyone's DNA? Just...stop.

With their medieval beliefs, we need less idiots living in the 1800's and catch everyone up to the 21st century.

How does politics slow down evolution?

17 For animals rights

No one even cares about this

18 So that everyone can sit serenely, eating lotus blossoms

Lol, Utopia doesn't exist. Get that through your heads, leftists.

19 They are greedy
20 They are stupid
21 They lie about what God wants

Grow up! Stop with the Santa Claus fantasies! God doesn't exist and never has and never will! Facts and SCIENCE not fantasy.

22 To purify America
23 Conservative presidents hardly create any jobs
24 So whoever preaches the action will be punished
25 Media would improve
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