Top Ten Reasons Why Wendy O. Koopa is Better Than Peach

I'm a huge Wendy, Daisy, Rosalina, Toadette, Birdo, and Pauline fan who doesn't like Peach at all.
The Top Ten
1 She has a better role

What role? Boss fight you beat in 2 seconds?

2 She has unique powers
3 Her weapons are better than parasols

Her scepter she can summon rings with? I can kind of agree. But Peach's Parasol stuns her opponents, and can block enemy attacks.

4 She's cuter

Hmm, I can agree. Her appearance is more unique than Peach, so that's a plus.

5 She's not a typical damsel

Bowser kidnapped Peach for her powers, also Wendy works for Bowser.

Yeah but she's forced to work for Bowser

6 Her fans are not bad

True, we are protective, but it's because how much BS that haters send our way. How would you deal with repetitive and/or untrue reasoning from haters? Just think on that.

Seriously this is pitiful.

7 She's more underrated

I can agree greatly on this. Wendy fans are pretty rare.

8 She's great in the cartoons
9 She's not annoying

Meh, Wendy is annoying at times. What I find annoying about Peach, however, is that Nintendo just keeps her as a Damsel in Distress. I think Nintendo is wasting her potential ON PURPOSE.

Her voice, Wendy's voice, look up a clip, then look up peach

10 She isn't there to look pretty

Um, Peach is a PRINCESS. She can't just walk around with casual clothing in her Kingdom.

The Contenders
11 She is the only female Koopaling

Ok first the koopalings barley have a role. Wendy's gender doesn't even matter and yes I do wish there were more female characters but Wendy is a eyesore

So if Peach was the only Princess then her image would improve?

12 She is one of Bowser's minions

Honestly, being in a huge Castle fighting many battles (dying inevitably because the main protagonists are apparently immortal and get unlimited tries) is much better, and to top it off, I could stay at the water world (my favorite set of levels) until the main character gets there and finishes me off!

Makes nothing better nor worse, but being a MINION means she has no self decisions because Bowser makes her do his bidding

13 She isn't hentai

.. If Peach isn't as appealing visually as Wendy then why would she participate in non canon hentai? By the way, Nintendo isn't a video game pornography company.

As always, this is my opinion, so I still think your list is valid.

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