Reasons Why You Shouldn't Play Charlie Charlie

The game Charlie Charlie is very popular around the world right now. There is a movie coming out about it with a the ghost of a boy named Charlie Murphy. The game is more dangerous then most people think. Here are some reasons why you shouldn't play the game.
The Top Ten
1 You don't need to be summoning demons

Honestly, the game's all fake; it's just some stupid thing to do.

It doesn't actually work for me anyway!

2 Why would you want a ghost to show up
3 It is dumb
4 It is scary
5 You could get possessed
6 If it works everyone will start screaming

You become scared but it's all because someone messed it up or breathed on it.

If it "works", it is because someone blew it.

7 The game doesn't make sense
8 It was just started on the internet so someone could get views
9 You don't know what could happen next
10 It's fake
The Contenders
11 If the pencil spins you won't know how to explain why it spun

Actually the explanation is that the air waves that come out of your mouth bounce around the room and hit the pencil causing it to move

I do. The way it spins is how you breath on it. I never lean in. That's why it never works. But in my class, they lean in and... AAHHH! And then we all get punished.

Plus if you lean in and say the spell in May spin because you were talking and the air in your mouth blew it.

12 Charlie probably wants to be left alone anyways
13 It's just someone blowing onto the pencils to make them move
14 It's just a viral video

Too much attention!

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