Top Ten Regular Show and SpongeBob Characters That Relate

The Top Ten
1 Benson and Squidward
2 Patrick and Muscle Man
3 Skips and Sandy
4 Pops and Spongebob
5 Rigby and Mr. Krabs
6 Gary and Hive Ghosts
7 Mordecai and Larry the Lobster

I agree, but there's one flaw: Mordecai doesn't eat babies. See the episode Pets or Pests in SpongeBob to see what I'm talking about.

8 Starla and Pearl
9 The my boss fired me and ow my leg guy

The ow my leg guy is Fred...

10 Plankton and Garrett Bobby Ferguson, Jr
The Contenders
11 Muscle Man and Mr. Krabs

They are both full of such nonsense and appear to be drunk.

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