Top 10 Most Powerful Religions In the World
Islam is the religion of peace, the religion that respects all other religions. You have to believe in one god Allah, We believe in Jesus and all prophets sent by god. Islam is the fastest spreading religion today despite the frauds, We believe that Jesus is still alive in the heaven and that he will return back, He is not the son of god because god is the most powerful and do not need a son, also if Jesus was son of god he could have beaten them. He do not need to die for another people to let god forgive us, also 1 god do not means 3. We believe that Judaism and Christianity were taught by prophets sent by god but they got changed by people. You find 1 version of Quran for all Muslims but you find a lot of Bibles and each priest or church give his own point of view while in Islam the Quran is the resource number 1...
Allah's curse to you. What a false religion. Those who disbelief in Allah; you cannot see nor listen nor talk. How do you say that Allah has a son?
Listen, my god is Allah who is one. Allah, the Eternal refuge. He neither begets nor is born. And no one is equal to him.
How do you say Isa {Jesus} is son of god? Your place will be the blazing fire, where you will always be. Do you think you will not die? That is your misunderstanding. One day you will return to Allah, he knows everything what you do, and on that day he will ask you and wrongdoers will go to the blazing fire. I am proud to be a Muslim but still I am afraid of Allah. He may punish and then reward me or reward me directly but what about you, you be in the fire ever.
Proud to be Indian, Proud to be born in the world's oldest religion following country. Hinduism is best because it respects other religion, tolerance and acceptance are the pillars of Hinduism. No doubt other religion are equally great, but today those religion preachers have created lots of hate towards other religions and have incorrectly preached their religion. To all those so called fake priests who misguides and spread hate on name of God, he will not spare you. The first religion to say God is one. Hinduism - the most complex and most diversely simplified religion, whose holy book Bhagwat Gita consists of exact words from God, and not from any messenger or religion preacher.
The power of Sikhism has neither decreased through the centuries nor it will in the future, for Sikhism is the soul of strength, kindness, unity and equality. GOD IS ONE, there's no "best religion", this is what we practice and preach. Haters have always lived but the one who has hatred for Sikhism has never survived. Our gurus don't talk about themselves but they talk about the divine God in all the scriptures, this shows how humble they were. May people understand the truth behind this religion for this is something to be treasured.
This is the one founded by Christ, They are the first Christians in the worlds, so it's funny that there is Christianity and they set the Catholic separate when in fact this is the one called Christians and only got called Catholic to distinguish it from Protestants. There are those who called themselves Christians, but it's really a denomination who are known as born again Christians, but all of these don't have roots. All discovered by men founders, except for the Catholic Church who are the true descendants of the early Christians.
Best religion! Really peaceful, but I think the most making sense religion is Theravada Buddhism. If other people get farther looking on information for Theravada Buddhism they would find out why we are born. Not like other religion they just say "don't care about it just trust" Well Buddha didn't say to trust him, he say to just trust his teachings. A lot of people say that Buddhism just meditate and they will enlighten. No! They also have teachings too! I think people should stop misunderstandings and find out the true answers. If you don't trust me search it up yourself, and you will understand what I am saying.
The simple essence of Judaism is if we follow god's commandments, we will prosper. But if we don't, we will suffer. This came true over 2000 years ago the Jews had a holy temple were god rested. Then we became full of sin and the Romans came and destroyed the temple and we were forced into exile and persecution and misery followed eventually the holocaust occurred and 6 million of us a third of the Jewish population was murdered. But we believe one day, the Jews will rise up against the other religions and rule the world for all eternity god welling.
Established by God Shiva in 1936, Brahma Kumaris organization imparts true Godly Knowledge which helps us to discover our true SELF and our Creator God. The Spiritual knowledge, Rajayoga meditation taught at Brahma Kumaris leads to self transformation, discovery of positive qualities and helps one to lead a very Happy, Peaceful and Blissful Life.
Brahma kumaris gives people the actual meaning of true self and realisation of what we were and what we can become if we walk on the right path.
Only teachings of one GOD SHIVA is taught here
True knowledge is given by the teachers in this organisation and most importantly its free of cost.
And there is no idol worship here.
Must join this organisation and follow it to become what you want to.
This is the only true Church that established by our Lord Jesus Christ through prophecy.
The Newcomers
Ok, yeah, islam and Christianity are very powerful BUT they are NOWHERE near as powerful as this religion is. This religion tells the ultimate truth that Lucifer WILL win over Jesus and Allah and since I'm a Satanist I have ultimate power over everyone except the other Satanists and Lucifer himself. Same goes with the other Satanists on this world.
The other two religions mentioned here only have power over everything via terrorism, lies, and brainwashing.
THIS religion alone is the MOST powerful as it is continually forcing Christians, Catholics, Jews, and Muslims to kiss Allah's and Jesus's ass for all eternity in terror of going to their made-up "bad-place". It is hilarious actually! I love seeing them all 5,000,000,000 people shriek and quake in terror of going to a non-existing jail for all eternity! It truly shows how weak they truly are unlike the other 2,000,000,000 other people on this world! HAHAAHAHAAHAHAA!
Shintoism follows the natural concept of believing there is an individual power behind every force of nature. It's a beautiful religion, and it has had a large influence on Japanese Culture and design. It once was the state religion of Japan, but following WW II it was separated from the state.
I'm 13 and became one at 12! Extremely proud!
Financially, it is the strongest religion in India, thus, economically very important.
It has the lowest crime percentage, major reason being, the religion is primarily based on concept of non violence.
So rich and peaceful, it basically makes a country everything we want it to be in today's time.
Jainism is the best religion as it thinks for others, LIVE AND LET LIVE, and it taught us ahinsa parmodharm. And Jainisms is an old religion and very difficult to follow, it builds self confidence and control on your mind. Jain munis they don't use vehicles throughout India and follows very strict rules. In short, difficult to describe the greatness of Jainism.
I found the truth in taoism. Taoism nowadays are considered as philosophy than a religion, because its kinda restricted in its mainland, but this religion gives you proofs. This religion tells you to be focused more in life, health and society rather than worry about praying, hell or heaven. We are put in this kind of world to run this world as a good human, not to pursue something afterlife or to be frightened about hell. In this religion, openminded and consciousness is number one. We can freely left old chinese tradition, because religion is not part of that.
I am a Mormon, I joined this church when I was 16, and I can say that this church is not only powerful in its actions, but it is powerful to the people and the souls who follow it. I have found that I have a better outlook on life and I am happier and I credit that to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It has been a powerful tool to me in becoming more Christ-like and becoming a better follower of Jesus Christ. What other church can do this but the only true one in this world?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints operates the only true religion in our Universe. The LDS Church will grow intil it fills the whole Earth at which time, Jesus Christ will return and reign at the Head of His Church and rule the world during the Millenium.
A religious philosophy that has influenced East Asian civilization for millennia
For millennia it has been a glue that holds Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism together
How do you know it would be a big man? It could be a woman it could be 10 different ones. The Greeks or the Egyptians could've been right.
Or it could be nothing its all over NOOO!
Brothers and sisters! We will drink and we will feast until the day of Ragnarök! And then we will follow the Allfather into battle!
Definitely the Truth in a form most of mankind can grasp.
I truly believe in this religion, there isn't any forcing of people to do something they don't want to do, they don't ask for money, if u want to give that's fine but your not told you have to in order to get in the good graces of god, check out this religion & u will see how good people can be!