Top Ten Resons People Use TheTopTens

The Top Ten
1 To vote

I did just vote for voting my sisters teddy did (not) say he said he can never get stuffed with voting

Well, I just voted now.

2 To make lists of their own opinion

Yea and most people don't like it if you hate something. They use the reason that you are a troll or are only hating on the fan base since they like it

I currently have about 98 lists

I have made about 25 lists

102 lists so far for me

3 Learn other people's opinions

Haha what a joke more like to HATE other's opinions.

4 To make lists

Well, yes, this is the one small fact. Umm...

5 To put Justin Bieber on a worst singers list

Do that now! Justin Bebier should quit. I don't think he shouldn't be on the planet. I hate that oval singer. Vote for this

I Just voted Justin Bieber on a worst singers list...

6 To know what songs to listen to by a band you want know more about

Me in a nutshell. I can't even begin to list all the bands/singers I've done that with, but trust me, I use this website to help to make top 30 lists of my favorite songs from a band/singer, (which I then remix on this website)

7 To contribute to the website and lists
8 To know the majority's opinions
9 To make friends

If your friends actively support your lists, you would definitely want to make more!

10 To like or hate things more
The Contenders
11 To rant about how your favorite singer is not in the top ten
12 To support items that would otherwise have less votes
13 To improve your account / profile
14 To be appreciated by other members
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