Top 10 Best Riddles to Use in a Conversation

The Top Ten
1 There’s this party and I want to bring (insert object)! What are you bringing? (Answer: the object must be something that starts with the first letter of the person’s name)
2 What has an eye but can’t see? (Answer: Needle)
3 What’s constantly sleeping but is something you can go inside of? (Answer: Sleeping bag)

Heard this one before. Apparently "your mother" was not an acceptable answer.

4 I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old, what am I? (Answer: Candle)
5 What has hands but can’t clap? (Answer: Clock)
6 Put me in a bucket and I’ll make it lighter, what am I? (Answer: A hole)
7 What starts with an “e”, ends with an “e”, and has only one letter? (Answer: An envelope)
8 I travel all over the world but I stay in my corner, what am I? (Answer: A stamp)
9 What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on? (Answer: A coat of paint)
10 How many seconds are there in one year? (Answer: 12 because there’s January 2, February 2, etc)
The Contenders
11 What is black and white and red? (Answer: A sunburned zebra.)
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