Ridiculous Things You Wouldn't Believe If Someone Told You

The Top Ten
1 They're a Royal

I actually have blue blood. Not lying, my ancestors were one of the kings of my ethnic in Indonesia

Unless you're Britgirl.

2 They're a Famous YouTuber On "Another Account"

Yeah, and I'm secretly Britgirl and PositronWildhawk.

My Cousin Is A Famous You-Tuber So...

3 They're a Justin Bieber Fan

Why you always lyin...

4 They're Famous
5 Their Ancestor Was Albert Einstein
6 Their Mom Just Died Yesterday

But if that person is telling the truth about this? I mean, who knows.

7 They Live In a Gold Mansion Surrounded by Guards and Security Cameras
8 Their Ancestor Was George Washington
9 They're a Magician

What do you get when you cross a magician with an owl? Who-dini.Wait, that's a crappy comedian, not a magician.Sorry.

10 They Like Frozen Better Than The Lion King
The Contenders
11 They Love You
12 They Are a Good Friend
13 They Care

Yep, you're lying alright...

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