Top 10 Rotoscoping Media

The Top Ten
1 Gulliver's Travels (1939)

Paramount surprised us that Gulliver is extremely rotoscoped.

2 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
3 Fantasia
4 Shoot the Runner (Music Video)
5 Alice In Wonderland

A big example of this is the mad hatter.

6 A Scanner Darkly
7 Delta State
8 American Pop (1981)

This is my favorite example of rotoscoping animation. I can't find the live action footage before it gets rotoscoped. Guess it got deleted...

9 Just Dance 3
10 Just Dance 2
The Contenders
11 Waking Life
12 Just Dance
13 Sleeping Beauty
14 Just Dance 2014
15 Just Dance 4
16 Cinderella (1950)
17 Undone
18 Codefellas
19 The Lone Ranger (1980)
20 Take on Me (Music Video)
21 Heartless (Music Video)
22 Pinocchio (1940)
23 Mr. Bug Goes to Town
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