Top 10 Sad Things That Could Happen

The Top Ten
1 Being the only survivor in the Yellowstone eruption

You will be thinking about the others, and your all alone. Very sad D:

2 A family member dies
3 Zombie attack

Just think of all those innocent lives becoming one.

4 Your pet dies
5 A good friend dies
6 Being enslaved
7 Being poor

Money isn't everything. Being poor isn't even sad, it's just a minor obstacle. Being poor shouldn't be on here.

8 Dog extinction

Man's best friend dies out.

9 A famous YouTuber dies

Who are you going to watch now.

10 A popular TheTopTens user dies

We won't see great lists from that person anymore.

This would suck... especially if it was Britgirl, Funnyuser, or PWildhawk.

The Contenders
11 Falling in love with a girl but she hates you
12 Your best friend moves away
13 Losing contact with your loved ones
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