Saddest Moment's in Netflix's Adaption of "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

The Top Ten
1 Kit Snicket dies after giving birth to a child

This is one of the very few scenes that made me sad. But unlike every other instance that did something stupid right after a sad moment, the pathos lingered. For such a stupid series, this was a very bittersweet and almost fitting ending.

The last episode of this show got incredibly deep... and sad. Kit dying was horrible, especially since her baby would become an orphan since Kit's husband... died also. Yeah, there's a lot of death in this series/

2 Count Olaf dies after saving Kit Snicket

I was sadder when Count Olaf died than I was when Kit Snicket died

He was my favorite character. Definitely.

3 Olivia Caliban is handed over to the lions
4 The Baudelaires nearly die of the Medusoid Mycelium

Only to be saved by their old friend, the Incredibly Deadly (I mean, Friendly) Viper.

5 Lemony Snicket leaves Beatrice
6 Hotel Denouement burns down
7 Jacques Snicket is murdered
8 Dewey Denouement is harpooned
9 The Baudelaire children are found guilty
10 The Baudelaires and the Quagmires part ways
The Contenders
11 Uncle Monty get killed

The saddest moment. He was so kind to the beaudelaires, and it was really sad to see him killed off

12 Fiona joins Count Olaf
13 Olivia died
14 Sunny being separated from her siblings
15 Dewey Denouments death
16 Sunny almost gets pushed off a mountain
17 Larry Your-Waiter drowning or being boiled alive
18 Klaus and Fiona kiss
19 Dr. Montgomery Montgomery's reptiles are taken away

When Uncle Monty's reptiles are taken away after he is killed off, how many of us hated to see them taken away. It's even sadder when you realize how well Monty and the Baudelaires bonded with them, and it's even sadder when the Incredibly Deadly Viper is the only one left free, no doubt heartbroken over Monty's death and its friends being taken away. But hey, at least it returns at the end of season 3 to save the children.

20 Lemony remembering Jacques
21 Aunt Josephines death
22 Poe not believing the Baudelaires
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