Top Ten Scariest One or Two Sentences

The Top Ten
1 You’re laying in bed and with your feet dangling out of the covers. You feel a hand grab your feet.
2 I looked out my window. The stars had gone away.

What I was experiencing in the Beijing air pollution.

3 I always thought my cat had a staring problem, she always seemed fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me.
4 The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door.

"Probably just the wind," said a voice behind him. That was his pet parrot.

It was a woman and they started reproduction. Duh.

5 I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I though it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again.
6 Don’t be scared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates being seen.
7 My daughter won’t stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help.
8 They say it appears behind you after reading about it, but that can’t be true. Can it?
9 There's nothing like the laughter of a baby. Unless it's 1 am and you're home alone.
10 I love listening to my wife's sweet lullabies over the baby monitor. Until I see my wife pull into the driveway
The Contenders
11 I gave the guardian of the scary realm a final glance then transcended into the realm of scariness. My eyes are real now.
12 I dreamt that the killer I heard about on the news was killing me at 2:00 AM. I woke up at 1:59 and I heard a knock on the door.
13 I have the ability to hear one year into the future. Today the noise stopped.
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