Scariest Things About Medieval Times

The Top Ten
1 Living standards were extremely low and diseases were rampant

Even now, health is paramount.

2 When not battling in war, some knights took out their violent impulses on the local population, which resulted in the murder and rape of peasants
3 War was constant
4 Average life expectancy was very short

And modern day people say their life was short.

5 Women did not have equal rights
6 You had a 50% chance of dying from the Black Death

This information is inaccurate. An estimated one third of Europe died from the Plague.

7 Lack of Hygiene
8 Majority of people were drunks
9 Medieval food was disgusting
10 People had horrible manners
The Contenders
11 Bloodletting

Not ideal. A vein would be lanced, but some folk regularly and happily had this procedure as they believed it would cleanse their bodies and rid themselves of diseases.

12 Homosexuals burned at the stake
13 Some cups contained lead
14 Makeup was made of lead
15 They would saw your leg off if you had a minor injury and there were no pain killers
16 Foot roasting
17 Heretic's Fork
18 Children could get drunk
19 Pear of Anguish
20 Head Crusher
21 Shrew Fiddle
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