Top Ten Most Scary Dreams

The Top Ten
1 Your image crawls out of the mirror

My goodness! This is so terrifying

This is so creepy nightmare.

2 Falling in an endless pit while screaming
3 Burning up
4 Being chased by some boogie man
5 Falling through a lot of breaking glasses
6 Floating in space alone
7 Dreaming of walking dead
8 Seeing a close family member die slowly and painfully
9 Falling off of a rollercoaster
10 A dead guy staring in your face
The Contenders
11 Running away from something but unable to keep your balance
12 Being stuck in a house fire
13 A shooting in your neighborhood
14 A swarm of ants on your bed
15 Stepping in a pile of tarantulas
16 Being a leper
17 Falling from a tall building
18 A gun in your face
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