Top 10 Best Seasons of the Year

The Top Ten
1 Winter

This season is by far the best in the world. It is so nice that lots of people get together for the holidays, and the weather is usually beautiful. By the way, I am in seventh grade!

I love the winter! I have a couple of reasons why:

1. I have eczema that acts up in summer and spring, and I HATE IT. My body itches everywhere, and it's red and ugly.
2. I absolutely love Christmas, especially late-night grocery shopping. With all the decor and stuff, it's so fun!
3. Snow! Snow is sometimes annoying, but it's also super fun!
4. Hot chocolate season.
5. Bugs come out in the summer ALL THE TIME. I hate it, so winter definitely gets a point for that.
6. Sometimes there's no school because of the snow!

Summer has its benefits, but winter is the best.

2 Fall / Autumn

No contest here! Each season has its beauty, but Fall has always been my favorite. No season gives you a sensory experience quite like Fall does. All 5 of your senses are alerted to this amazing season.

The sight of orange leaves in the October morning sunlight, the sound of crunching leaves as you walk up the driveway, the feel of the chilly September night air, the taste of homemade apple crisp, and the smell of burning leaves. I'm a little biased as well, I guess, since my birthday is in September. I could talk about Fall for HOURS. That's how much I love this amazing season!

Spring is my second favorite and is currently the season we're in right now. And while I'm enjoying the warm days and the lengthening evenings, I'm definitely looking forward to September!

3 Summer

My favorite season is summer! Here are my reasons:

1. It's my favorite MLB season.
2. My birthday is in the summer (August 1).
3. The shining sun (my zodiac, Leo's blessed star).
4. Every sight is lively! (particularly the sea)
5. The long daylight hours are great, too.
6. There are a lot of outdoor events!
7. I can switch to lightweight clothing. Also, the sound of cicadas and the sight of sunflowers are great, too. They really feel like summer.

Conversely, I hate winter! Here are my reasons:

1. I'm terrible with influenza. Maybe I have weak resistance to the cold. (So I need a turtleneck shirt and sweater)
2. I have a sensitivity to the cold and stiff shoulders. It's too hard.
3. I can't switch to lightweight clothing.
4. The daylight hours are too short! (particularly in December and January)
5. There are too few outdoor events! (particularly in February)
6. There are no MLB games.
7. It's too hard to get up on winter mornings. So I need to heat my room more and wear socks to sleep.

I customized my favorite purple t-shirt with a joking message. It reads:
"I hate winter. So pull the sun with a kite string from Australia to Japan from November till March!"

4 Spring

Instead of saying why Spring is best, which has already been said, I'll state what sucks about the alternatives.

Fall means everything is dying, and this also means yard work and maintenance. It sucks getting all the leaves, pine needles, and pine cones cleaned up. The weather is also generally pretty bad, with weather that isn't quite warm but is far too cold for most comfortable wear.

Winter: Snow looks pretty on trees, but when it touches the road it becomes a hideous hazard. It causes more accidents and brings incredibly cold weather along with it.

Summer: It's really hot, and depending on where you live it also brings mosquitoes with it. It's great otherwise, but those two bring it down below Spring.