Top Ten Serious Sam Quotes

The Top Ten
1 Oh God, never underestimate the power of stupid things in large numbers!

A quote that is easily relatable.


After killing the first kamikaze in the second level of the first game.

3 Yeah, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.
4 Kleeeers, come out to play!
5 All your base are belong to us, motherf-----.
6 You are a pain in the ass, but no worries, I got the painkiller.
7 You may be big, but I'm serious.
8 Ten sticks of dynamite, four hundred dollars. Blowing up one of mankind's precious artworks, priceless.
9 Now come out, or the lolly gets it.

The scene in which this quote happens is one of the strangest ones in Serious Sam II

10 Oh yeah, shake baby, shake, but I ain't gonna quake.

An apparent reference to Quake, which the Serious Sam series imitates.

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