Top Ten Sexist Jokes

No going too far, please. I truly hope to meet a nice girl someday.
The Top Ten
1 What is the difference between a wife and a bad job? The job still sucks after ten years.

Ok as a woman can I say this was funny because I know it's not sexist, I could've said the same thing about men. the women don't need a watch, the stove has a clock on it IS sexist...

Phuhahaa! This is... Um... Funny! No, actually it's hilarious! As is this entire list! Great work, Pos!

Imma girl and I find this funny

2 Women don't need a watch. The stove has a clock on it.

Calm down people. This list was obviously based on stereotypes. If you didn't want this, why would you click on a list of sexist jokes?

So mean.. The best sexist joke for me.

That's really sexist and mean

3 Why do more women need to go into space? Cosmic dust won't sweep itself.
4 When your girlfriend is a chemist, your life changes. You can no longer trust the kitchen staff.

Women can still cook, same with men!

5 A man asks, “God, why did you make woman so beautiful?” God responded, ”So you would love her.” The man asks, “But God, why did you make her so dumb?” God replied, “So she would love you.”

I love how this insults both sexes simultaneously!

Perfect. Insults both men and women. I love it!

6 Girls can go to great extents to dress to impress. The underpinning can be an expensive rip-off.
7 A woman is like a bag; simply made, with one lockable opening.

If only that lockable opening was her mouth

Also from Bleak Expectations.

8 Why do brides wear white? Because most kitchen appliances are white

Luckily in Indian cultures, Indian brides wear a dark red saree!

Yes, as well stated by Britgirl long ago.

9 Katy Perry's rise to fame is simply tragic. Her work in the kitchen was too loud, so they made her work on stage.

This, I think, accurately describes her music.

Bon Appetite music video from Katy Perry!

10 A woman's only crime is making some amazing apple pies. See why God tried to stop Eve now?
The Contenders
11 I can't abide women smoking, unless they've been set on fire.

This one comes from the highly underrated British radio sitcom Bleak Expectations. I had to put it in.

12 The difference between a woman and a vacuum cleaner: you can turn a vacuum off and it doesn't stop sucking until it dies.

This is genius. Thanks to the contributor.

13 There haven't been women on the moon yet. Doesn't need cleaning yet.
14 Why do women make better soldiers? Because they can bleed for a week and not die.

Okay this one is the best

15 You throw like a girl

This is funny though.

16 What do you do if your dishwasher stops working? Slap her ass and tell her to get back to work

Sexist nothing else

17 God created men. Then he had a better idea

No, it's not true! You're wrong! It's hurting my feeling, and do you know God is a man also?

18 Make me a sandwich!

That one is stupid

19 Did you hear about the woman that wrecked her car? She tried to blow out the dents through the exhaust pipe.
20 What do you call a woman with two brain cells? Pregnant.
21 How do two men solve an argument? By measuring each other's dicks
22 Why couldn't Helen Keller Drive? Because she was a woman.

this one isn't funny, it's downright sexist and is'nt a joke at all

23 What do Women and Google have in common? Both start making suggestions before you finish your sentence
24 Why can't women drive? 'cos there's no direct road to the kitchen!
25 Why are women slaves? Because they clean like them
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