Top Shocking Moments in One Piece

The Top Ten
1 Ace Dies
2 Sanji Vinsmoke revelation
3 Luffy vs Sanji (Whole Cake Island Arc)
4 Brooke and his revelation about Laboon
5 Luffy's gear 4
6 Pudding's betrayal
7 Katakuri is revealed
8 Luffy & Usopp fight
9 Zoro after Thriller Bark
10 Mokey D Garp is Luffy's Grandpa
The Contenders
11 Nico Robin : I want to live
12 Chopper turn into a monster
13 Luffy's Third Gear
14 Zoro lost eye
15 Nami & Arlong
16 Kuma disappears the Straw Hats
17 Nami beats up Luffy for going down Wano Waterfall
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