Top Ten Signs of Bad Weather in Cloud Formations

Read the title.

I didn’t put the obvious up here (cumulonimbus variations) because they are, well, obvious. I wanted to use cloud types that are NOT obvious.
However, if you want to put obvious stuff up here, that’s perfectly fine.
The Top Ten
1 Red Sky in the Morning
2 Altocumulus
3 Cirrus
4 Cumulus Congestus
5 Cirrostratus
6 Cumulus Mediocris
7 Cirrus Radiatus
8 A Halo Around the Moon

If I correctly remember, the sign means:
1) yellow-ish halo: rain
2) pink-ish/red-ish halo: strong winds

9 Cirrus Fibratus
10 Altostratus
The Contenders
11 Cirrocumulus
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