Top Ten Signs We're Headed Towards Dystopia

The truth is, with some of these items, people think they're good things, but just think about them.
The Top Ten
1 The world is becoming more accepting of things we know are morally wrong

"Heading Towards Dystopia". I like it. TIME TO MAKE A ROCK BAND.

Heading toward it? We're teetering on the edge right now.

2 Science has found ways to genetically modify organisms

GMO is the only way we are going to feed the population in the future

3 Technology is advancing

If you think about it, a lot of the inventions in science fiction is becoming reality.

I don't see how this is bad, as long as it doesn't control us or the world.

4 Mental illness is becoming more common
5 People are pushing political correctness and equal rights more
6 The Internet connects people around the world with each other

Giving people an excuse to stay inside 24/7

7 Some countries are facing economic corruption
8 Schools are pushing testing a lot more
9 No one seems to be doing anything to try and change people

It's hard to try and convince people the error of their ways. I've tried telling people not to be bullies but that made me a target for them.

10 Leadership is given to those who don't deserve it

The best example of this is in the United States (In the next few years of course). Whether Clinton or Trump wins, America's reputation would be tainted nonetheless. And America isn't the only exception. Several developing countries have been run by corrupt or inexperienced politicians, so it's no wonder there would be a lot of world leaders who aren't appealing to both critics and the public's viewpoint, yet would still get nominated (Maybe due to to cheating method, such as rigging an election).

Oh BoY I WoNdEr WhO tHaT mIgHt Be ReFeRiNg To? (I'm being sarcastic)

Why is this not in the top 10

The Contenders
11 People calling Global Warming political correctness
12 Leadership never works
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