Top Ten Signs That You Are Depressed

The Top Ten
1 Fascinated with self-poisoning
2 Feeling like you are ready to cry
3 Trying to jump off a building

Why do you have to

4 Screaming loudly from the top of your lungs for attention
5 Tears running down to your eyes
6 You feel insane on the inside and suicidal on the outside
7 Feeling like you are ready to cut your wrists

I just did... Why can't I have a good day without tyrants plaguing me with such wretchedness? My anxiety disorder...has...triumphed over me...

8 Feeling gloomy

The feeling is most often felt at night, just when you are about to fall asleep. You'll think about darkness and everything that's associated with it. You'll think of the hundred things that could go wrong, people you'd lose and how you'd fail in life. You may also feel gloomy when you're alone. The best thing to do is to seek therapy but don't force yourself if you're uncomfortable with it. Talk to someone, go out with supportive people, travel to someplace, read some books and do something you enjoy doing. Whatever you do, always remember that 'this too shall pass'.

9 Ready to hang yourself

A waste of your life and a stupid thing to do

10 Feeling worthless and hating yourself
The Contenders
11 Feeling emotionally numb

For a long time I've felt emotionally indifferent to most situations. I wonder if it's more of an adhd thing.

12 Addicted to a suicide hotline
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