Top Ten Signs That You're Lucky

The Top Ten
1 You win the lottery

Well, I was expecting a surprise monkey attack on your nemesis to be on this list, but whatever.

2 You guess all the answers in a test but still get a 100

That reminds me on Carlos when he only writed CORN DOGS on the paper and get 100

That's totally me.

3 You survive an incident where you almost died

I was able to run across the street during a green light once. It was only due to adrenaline and insane luck that I made it to the other side unscathed. Never make a decision out of stress unless there are no other options.

This happened to me.

4 You get called to the principle's office but get no punishment

That happened to me but in the guidance office.

This happened to me before

Happened to me once.

5 You win a staring contest when you just got eye surgery

I'd have to be totally sightless to win this.

6 You win Rock Paper Scissors 10 times in a row

In field day we played this and I was the champion, I knew the secret to win

7 You're stranded but get rescued in less then a week
8 You get a disease but you survive it

I did, it was the common cold.

9 You get released out of jail early

It isn't luck that get you your parole...

10 You get mentioned on tv
The Contenders
11 You find a shiny Pokemon
12 You and your house survived a storm/natural disaster

When Hurricane Sandy hit May area, we were told that we will lose power (we are from Philly). We still got power after the storm passed

Mine did, it was a thunderstorm.

13 You don’t have to pay for any damages that you caused in stores

Once I accidentally broke a glass candle at Kohl’s and hid it and the employees never found out

14 You do not throw up after overeating/riding an extreme thrill ride
15 Your parents say yes when you ask them if you can buy stuff with your own money
16 Your teacher does not reprimand or yell at you at all during the school day
17 You did not get kicked off a coin operated ride for being "too big" or "too heavy" for it
18 The teacher allows you to go to the bathroom during class
19 Ladybug lands on you
20 You win a bunch of tickets at the arcade
21 You hit the jackpot at the casino
22 You did not get in trouble for no reason

In high school my special ed teacher would randomly reprimand me for no reason and during family parties my parents would constantly think that I did bad stuff and then they would reprimand me for no reason after the party.

23 You do not die after surgery
24 You steal all the free samples and got away with it
25 You don't get diabetes after eating so many desserts
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