Top Ten Signs You're Talking to a Tumblr Girl

From my research online, but I don't have a tumblr.
The Top Ten
1 They insult men and praise women

I am female, and Tumblr thinks feminism is something that it isn’t. Feminism IS treating women equal to men. Feminism ISN'T believing women should be treated better than men.

Also a sign that you're talking to a radical feminist.

According to tumblr search thingy:
Men are pigs, men are gross
Women are strong, women are beautiful

Maybe menimists have something to be angry over.

Well, that's Tumblr for you

2 They are a hipster, emo or hippie

Am I the only one noticing a pattern here? Piercings, short hair, obscure hair dye color, radical feminist, special snowflake, on cis people especially men and how everyone is privileged.

I'm can be all of these but I don't have tumbler

3 They worship homosexuals

Gays. lesbians, and everything in-between are great but they're not the deities or great heroes everyone on Tumblr makes them out to be.

I'm all for equal rights but these people treat being gay as if it is a heroic act.

Should've seen tumblr when gay marriage was legalized, also they love gay shippings.

Well written lesbian/straight ship/couple:
Tumblr: Did you hear something? I didn’t hear anything.
Skinny man staring at buff, older guy:
Tumblr: Ship art, fetish art, crappy fanfiction.

4 They have a strange obsession over a topic

I like the Percy Jackson fandoms. Anyway, you can find a fan account for any band, book, show, anything. Tumblr has it all.

I never understood how people can be fixtated on one topic for years. There is a fine line between "I like this T.V. show." and "I have stalked the voice actor on multiple occasions."

I'm not a tumblr girl (i'm 10 and I'm too young for it) but I'm obsessed with Southpark (Yes, I know I'm 10 and I watch Southpark)

I have an obsession with the singer Halsey

5 They go on a rant whenever they talk about a topic

In tumblr there is no possible way to hate on someone for their opinion, you can only like it, or if you really love it reblog, so tumblr girls tend to have no self control.

I like tumblr and this fits me perfectly lol.

6 If you compliment them they respond with "I'm no where near pretty, but your gorg!"

A tumblr girl's favorite activity is staring off into the distance, with a qoute about life and telling people she's ugly for sympathy.

7 They are very sarcastic

Tumblr's language is sarcasm.

8 They think they are not a gender

They make up genders all the time or claim that it doesn't exist. It's completely stupid. I can do one right now: I'm an fjregihenrklksfmrkgender, which means I have no gender because it doesn't exist!

Oh, I identify as a catfish, and this insults me!

9 They are pansexual

Pansexuality is real because people are allowed to identify as whatever they want as long as it's not something like "spacegender" or "demixirl". If someone is uncomfortable with their birth gender and wants to identify as agender, that's fine. I can understand how people can have no gender. Biologically they are still their birth gender, but people need to respect what's in their head. However, there's no such thing as a gender that feels like a forest or the ocean or space or whatever. You either have a gender or you don't. Tumblr just makes up dumb things like "oh I'm 50% girl on Tuesday and on the other days I am fluctuating between magigender and slimegender. And when I eat eggplant, I turn into Superman"

Pansexual is not a real sexuality, you are either: Bisexual, straight, homosexual, or asexual. That's because there's only two genders and you're either attracted to: One, both, or neither.

Pansexual is real because intersex people exist.

I have a friend who's pan...

10 They believe they are not entirely human

I think it's kinda interesting to believe you're the reincarnation of an animal or mythical creature, but Tumblr girls take it too far.

The Contenders
11 She is wearing a crop top and high waisted shorts

I'm wearing jeans and a sweater

Crop tops are disgusting.

12 They believe there are a million genders

A bit of an exaggeration perhaps, but accurate. These people make up "genders" to fit their snowflake worldview-"LUK AT MEEE I M SPESHUL"-despite being unforgivably, mind-numbingly stupid. There are only two genders, male and female-even a four-year-old knows that, and yet these people have deluded themselves to believe otherwise, beyond all logic or reason.
(The other comment is a typo-the user meant to put "two". Well, either that or it's a Tumblr sockpuppet.)

Actually, they believe there are 312 genders, when there are really only three.

There are 2 or 3. Male, female, maybe non-binary.

13 If you make a sexist joke, she kills you

Tumblr is the no-sexism (unless it's against men) zone.

They're so overly sensitive

Only if it's against women.

14 Spends 90% of the time on the computer on tumblr

Tumblr isn't THAT addictive. It's just a little.

I spend 98% of time on TheTopTens!

15 They use made up words they found online
16 They never capitalize anything
17 They hate actual homosexuals
18 They usually wear oversized sweaters
19 If you even hint that you don't spend nearly every waking hour thinking about bleeding heart causes, they condemn you
20 They're offended by your assumption that they're female
21 They're part of the Proana community
22 They have killed as many people as they weigh in pounds
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