Top Ten Simple Things Everybody Hates Doing

The Top Ten
1 Going to the Dentist

Not anymore, but I absolutely hated it when I was little.

My childhood dentist was a sadistic madman who loved to torture me. He restrained me and he pulled out my baby teeth extremely hard (which is why I'm nervous about my wisdom tooth and if I need it out in the future) I tried to fight back and even bit him, but it was no use. Those days were pure hell for me.

I'm so glad that business shut down for good YEARS ago, but I wish that I could sue him for abuse.

I brush once a day, but I always get cavities. Trust me, teeth are a pain in the butt just like some of those whiny small dogs... Only worse.

Agh I hate the dentist so much because they always tell me I'm not brushing enough when I brush one tooth at a time 3x a day and then they stick all that $h! + up my mouth

These are people who dislikes you for how you brush your teeth.Don't get me wrong I have experienced dentist who a always kind.

2 Making Their Bed

I have to make my bed as much as I may not want to I need to because I can't have a messy bed. (or a messy room)

I love making my bed. It's like my version of a morning coffee. I have to do it or it'll be on my mind a all day.

Making my bed could be a nuisance, but I can't sleep in a messy bed at night

I honestly don't care if my bed is messy or not...

3 Making Food for the Family
4 Changing Diapers

My 7 and 9 yr old cousins and I are always asked if we were willing to change our little cousins’ diapers. I had experience with changing diapers before but not enough to actually do it on a real kid. My 7 and 9 yr old cousins thought that it is gross and they wouldn’t do it, plus they both have no experience with it since they are both only in elementary school.

My aunt from san Francisco actually LOVED changing my diapers when I was 2 years old...especially the poopy ones

5 Doing Homework

Where saying that it's simple thing that everybody does

We all hate it, but believe me, it is FAR from simple.

It takes me hours to complete it

6 Picking Up Dog Poop

When I get a dog I would buy diapers for it to wear during potty training and travel.

7 Cleaning the House
8 Going to School
9 Driving for a Long Time
10 Working
The Contenders
11 Laughing at the Minions

I love doing that

12 Waking Up to Your Alarm
13 Waking up on Monday
14 Brushing Teeth
15 Clipping Nails
16 Cleaning Their Room
17 Washing their hands
18 Cleaning the Toilet
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