Top 10 Best the Simpsons and Family Guy Episodes

The Top Ten
1 Cape Feare (Simpsons)
2 Petarded (Family Guy)
3 Road to the Multiverse (Family Guy)
4 Rosebud (Simpsons)
5 Homer's Enemy (Simpsons)
6 And Then There Were Fewer (Family Guy)
7 Last Exit to Springfield (Simpsons)

Both shows have "liberal" episodes (in the american sense), but only the Simpsons have a "liberal" episode, that appeals to the working class ("liberals" like the classic "liberal" like Kennedy or Stalin). Family Guy is just for bourgeois douches and only loughs at "Rednecks" from the working class.

8 PTV (Family Guy)
9 Back to the Pilot (Family Guy)
10 I Dream of Jesus (Family Guy)
The Contenders
11 Da Boom (Family Guy)
12 The Thin White Line
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