Best Sky Sailing Songs

Sky Sailing. Along with Port Blue, perhaps the most important side projects from Adam young to his well-known Owl City. Sky Sailing only released one album: "An Airplane Carried Me To Bed". Much like Owl City, though it has more guitar and soft melodies. If you love Owl City, you will most surely really like Sky Sailing. However, Adam Young does not release more songs for this project.
The Top Ten
1 Brielle

I always dedicate this song to my girl when I know I may not see her for a long time. If you're reading this, you know who, I love you.

2 Alaska

I love the peaks and valleys this song has.

3 Captains of the Sky

Aside from A Little Opera Goes A Long Way, this song is definitely my favourite song from Sky Sailing's An Airplane Carried Me To Bed. The chorus is catchy, and the music is unique and with a great melody.

4 Sailboats

This song contains the phrase that gives title to Sky Sailing's album: An Airplane Carried Me To Bed.

5 Flowers of the Field

Released later as a single. Beautiful song as well.

6 I Live Alone

Simple chorus, but I love it anyway. Really lovely harmony and melody.

7 Tennis Elbow

I like specially the last part where it repeats a phrase a dozen times haha

8 A Little Opera Goes a Long Way

My top pick for Sky Sailing. The message is good, and the lyrics are early proof of Adam's obvious skill as a lyricist.

Here we can see the great skills Adam Young has on the guitar.

9 Blue and Red
10 Explorers
The Contenders
11 Steady As She Goes
12 Take Me Somewhere Nice
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