Best Slam Death Metal Songs

The Top Ten
1 Lack of Oxygen - Abominable Putridity
2 Fifty Ton War Machine - Devourment
3 Legalize Homicide - Devourment
4 Tyrannical Decay - Pathology
5 Remnants of the Tortured - Abominable Putridity
6 Blood Fetish - Putrid Pile
7 Babykiller - Devourment
8 Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies - Cephalotripsy
9 Bleed for Me - Putrid Pile
10 Gangrenous Testicular Deformity - Vulvectomy
The Contenders
11 Carpet Wounding - Katalepsy
12 Babykiller - Katalepsy
13 Blindfold Surgery - Abominable Putridity
14 Rock Filled Orifice - Kraanium
15 Midget F***** - Kraanium
16 Code Injection - Pathology
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