Top 10 Slasher Movies That Deserve a Reboot

The Top Ten
1 A Nightmare on Elm Street

We all know that the 2010 remake was garbage, the only good thing was Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger so we deserve another reboot.

2 Friday the 13th

Yes, have a very sexual remake but should have another with more synchronization with the murders and the story of Jason's powers

3 Candyman

Although I understand that a reboot is coming, we'll see if it's good

4 Sleepaway Camp
5 Alice, Sweet Alice
6 Madman (1981)
7 Terror Train
8 Black Christmas

Had a remake but lacked a good plot between the girls and the killer, so we want another one

9 Silent Night, Deadly Night

Has a remake but was so bad, it pulled out of Cinema

10 Peeping Tom
The Contenders
11 Deep Red
12 April Fool's Day

We know he has two remakes but they are so boring

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