Top Ten Small but Deadly Animals

The Top Ten
1 Mosquito Spanish for "small fly," mosquitoes are insects that have been known to cause various diseases. A sample of diseases caused by mosquitoes: malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus.

Believe it or not, mosquitoes are recognized as the most dangerous creature on earth. They infect and kill up to 1 million people a year. Known to transmit Dengue, Yellow Fever, Elephantiasis, West Nile Virus, Zika, Malaria, and much, much more.

2 Africanized Bee

These guys were purposely introduced to Brazil in the 50s to help increase honey production. Since then, they have made their way up into the United States. They look like and are the same size as an ordinary European honey bee. However, Africanized honey bees are a lot more aggressive and defensive. They are especially defensive of their hive. They have been known to chase people and animals up to a quarter of a mile. They have killed thousands of people.

3 Blue Ringed Octopus The Blue Ringed Octopuses (Hapalochlaena) are the four strongly venomous species that are found on the coral reefs and tidal pools in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, particularly from Australia to Japan. It is known as one of the most poisonous and deadliest sea creatures. It can kill a human body by... read more

Found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Though very docile, they are one of the world's most venomous animals. Only 5-8 inches in length they have a enough venom to kill over 25 adult humans within minutes. Venom is injected through bites. In a rare case in which a person is bitten, it can result in respiratory arrest, blindness, heart failure, and total paralysis. Death can happen within minutes after being bitten.

4 Brazilian Wandering Spider Known for its aggressive behavior and potent venom, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is native to tropical South America. Unlike most spiders that build webs, it roams the forest floor in search of prey. It is considered one of the most venomous spiders in the world.

Considered to be the most venomous spider in the world. They have a leg span of approximately 5 inches and a body length of 1.5 inches. Their bites are 20x deadlier then a Black Widow's. These little jerks are aggressive. Their bites have resulted in a lot of human deaths. Here's a weird interesting side note, in many cases when a male is bitten by one of these spiders, it results in a very painful erection that lasts several hours.

5 Ticks

Second to mosquitoes in spreading diseases. Common diseases spread by ticks are Lyme Disease, African Tick Bite Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Typhus, Q Fever, and more.

6 Poison Dart Frog

These little guys are found in tropical areas of Central and South America. Depending on the species they average between 1 - 2 inches in length. They secrete a highly toxic oil all over their bodies. Many believe this is due to their highly toxic diet of venomous ants and centipedes. They got their names from the indigenous tribes using the frog's poison secretion to tip their blow darts. The most dangerous is the Golden Poison Frog. It carries enough venom to kill up to 20 humans.

7 Deathstalker Scorpion

The deathstalker is one of the most dangerous species of scorpions. Its venom is a powerful mixture of neurotoxins, with a low lethal dose While a sting from this scorpion is extraordinarily painful, it normally would not kill a healthy adult human. However, young children, the elderly, or infirm (such as those with a heart condition and those who are allergic) are at much greater risk.

With an average size of 2 inches, they are considered to be the most deadly scorpion species. They are found from North Africa up through the Middle East.

8 Tsetse Fly

A fly from Africa that bites and feeds on blood. Known to spread illnesses and diseases. Most commonly Sleeping Sickness. Sleeping Sickness is a parasitic disease transmitted by the Tsetse Fly. The disease may result in death.

9 Brown Recluse Spider A venomous spider native to the central and southern United States, the Brown Recluse is known for its reclusive habits and preference for dark, undisturbed places. Its venom can cause necrotic skin lesions in humans, making it a species to be cautious of when encountered.

Usually under an inch big, these aggressive spiders are found in the Mid-West, South, and Southeast of the United States. Bites can result in death due to severe soft tissue damage and loss.

10 Stonefish Synanceia is a genus of fish of the family Synanceiidae, the stonefishes, whose members are venomous, dangerous, and even fatal to humans. It is one of the most venomous fish known. They are found in the coastal regions of the Indo-Pacific.

One of the most venomous fish in the world. Found in the Indo-Pacific, they have needle-like poison tipped dorsal fin spines which stick up when threatened. Untreated stings will most likely result in death. Most species of this fish are a around 12 inches in length.

The Contenders
11 Scorpion

When it stings, it has poison in its sting.

12 Irukandji Jellyfish
13 Centipede Centipedes are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. They are mainly carnivorous and they prey upon insects, spiders, small birds and rodents, and even other centipedes.
14 Black Widow Spider
15 Black Mamba The black mamba is a species of extremely venomous snake, a member of the family Elapidae native to parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.

If you get bit by a black mamba snake even once it will kill you instantly.

16 Fire Ant
17 Indian Red Scorpion
18 Bulldog Ant
19 Executioner Wasp
20 Flea Flea, the common name for the order Siphonaptera, includes 2,500 species of small flightless insects that live as external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas live by ingesting the blood of their hosts. Adult fleas grow to about 3 millimetres (1⁄8 inch) long, are usually brown, and have bodies that... read more
21 Hornet Hornets are the largest of the eusocial wasps, and are similar in appearance to their close relatives yellowjackets. Some species can reach up to 5.5 cm in length.
22 Bedbug
23 Wasp
24 Vampire Bat
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