Top Ten Snake/Part Snake Mythical Creatures

Normal snakes are already scary for you? Well, I guess you might die of scaredness if snake/part snake mythical creatures are real :P. Nah, just kidding, snake/part snake mythical creatures are actually pretty cool-looking (but yeah, kinda scary if they're real). Which one do you think is the best? Cast your votes and comment! Feel free to add more!
The Top Ten
1 Amphisbaena
2 Naga
3 Echidna
4 Gorgon
5 Xiangliu
6 Jörmugandr
7 Nüwa
8 Fuxi
9 Zhulong
10 Amphitere
The Contenders
11 Meretseger
12 Basilisk
13 Wyvern
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