Best Songs on Skillet's Alien Youth

From ballads to electronic rockers, which song from Skillet's turning point album "Alien Youth" is the best?
The Top Ten
1 The Thirst Is Taking Over

Most people would disagree with this choice for number 1, but I think it is a great song and deserves to be number 1.

2 Eating Me Away

I LOVE this song.

3 Will You Be There (Falling Down)
4 You Are My Hope

Another classic Skillet song.

5 Kill Me, Heal Me

The song that most looks like songs from Collide.

6 Come My Way
7 Earth Invasion
8 Vapor
9 Stronger
10 Heaven In My Veins

This is from the deluxe edition and was cut from the actual album because they didn't like the final mix. It should have been on there because it's really good.

The Contenders
11 Alien Youth

This isn't that great, but since Rippin' Me Off, Stronger & Vapor weren't hitting on much either, Alien Youth got the number 10 spot. It could've been better, that's all I'm saying.

12 Rippin' Me Off
13 One Real Thing
14 Always the Same
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