Songs Where "Hail Satan" or "Praise Satan" are in the Lyrics

Or in any way shape or form says that they worship Satan.
The Top Ten
1 Procreating Satan - Gorgoroth

"Praise Satan Praise Satan"

2 Year Zero - Ghost
3 Messe Noire - Behemoth

"I Believe In Satan! "

4 Bondage Goat Zombie - Belphegor

"Hail Chaos, Hail Satan"

5 Homage for Satan - Deicide

"Homage For Satan"

6 Goatcraft Torment - Urgehal
7 Hail Murder - Dark Funeral

"Hail MURDER! (technically hailing satan)" to be honest, every other dark funeral song says hail satan

8 Satanic Black Devotion - Sargeist
9 Kill for Satan - Tsjuder

Very underrated band

10 Four Thrones - Watain
The Contenders
11 Demigod - Behemoth
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