Top Ten Sonic Boom Episodes that Should Be Created

The Top Ten
1 The Show Ends
2 Normal Sonic Beats Up Boom Sonic

Lol this sounds funny

3 Amy Abuse
4 Eggman Sucks on Boom
5 Knuckles Goes Boom
6 Insulting Amy
7 Sonic Yells Lyrics and Rise of Boom

If you got the reference then good job

8 Sonic Becomes Smart
9 Boom Tails Gets Beat Up
10 Sticks Abuse

We get way too much Tails abuse from this show and Sticks does the worst possible things and gets away with it every single time, just abuse her a few times.
Give Tails a break you jerks.

Sticks needs to suffer...

The Contenders
11 Kissy Kissy Love You
12 Robotnik Jr
13 Jackal Jerk

Eggman creates a new invention that puts on a mask and gains a lot of power.

14 Tails Doll Returns

My three favorite Halloween themed characters from this series are pretty much Tails Doll, Possessed Amy and Possessed Vanilla - the EXEs weren't as good seeing that their fan made and that you can do anything with them while the others are 100% cannon with the EXEs being 50% cannon, Tails Doll is still my favorite 100% but... Possessed Vanilla does look pretty cool if you ask me.
She makes me want to see more fan art of her in that form and a lot more VORE art with Vanilla and her daughter Cream in mind.
Anyways, back to Tails Doll - we need more Tails Doll, Ian writes him really well so... can we get more from him in the future... please.

Now I'm a fan of horror and Tails Doll shows that inner horror fan in the Sonic fans like myself, well that and we could have gotten a few Halloween themed episodes from the guy, but, we didn't because the universe most hate the very thought of Halloween *sigh* all I'm asking for is a Halloween themed episode that has the Tails Doll as the main villain - we didn't get that and instead we got, nothing.
This should be number one, all of these choices are stupid expect for the one that was placed at number one, but still, I choose this one, I want to see Tails Doll just as much as I'd like to see Tails and Metal Sonic.
Besides, Tails Doll would have made an amazing FNAF themed Sonic villain or even base the idea off of the story Out of Stock from the FNAF book Fetch with Tails Doll taking up the role of the stories Plush Trap Crasher.
Heck, they could have even done a Goosebumps Slappy parody or even a Child's Play Chucky parody to his character.

Tails Doll.
Tails Doll should appear in the show and the episode itself should be a Sticks themed episode with her trying to prove that a fan made doll of Tails was evil... no one believes her, then it is revealed that the doll was created by Doctor Egg-man who secretly admires Tails as a inventor much to Tails's shock and surprise.

All of these are lame and just makes fun of the show, but, Tails Doll appearing has a pretty sweet swing to it, we could even get a Child's Play story out of it.
Besides, can anybody else imagine Egg-man making a deal at a toy company like that with Tails Doll being the main villain.

15 The Return of Zoey
16 Disappearance of the Bandages
17 Sonic Gets Pregnant

That would be tolerable

18 The Poop House
19 Sonic Gets Grounded
20 Amy Gets Flushed Down the Toilet
21 Eggman Abuse
22 We Break the Fourth Wall To Appeal To The Masses

Because our show is so edgy and cynical.

23 Michael Bay Directs Every Episode of the Show

With Explosions!

24 Everyone Gets Kicked in the Privates
25 Stickzilla with a Donald Duck Voice
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