Top Ten Spider/Part Spider Mythical Creatures

So, you think real life spiders are scary enough (or cool enough in case you love spiders like me)? Well, check these mythical spiders out!
The Top Ten
1 Jorõgumo

Jorõgumo is a spider that can turn into a beautiful woman from the Japanese mythology. She looks for a house with a lonely man inside, plays a biwa to distract him, and cover him with webs and devours him alive while he's distracted

Holy crap please don't tell me this was the spider I swatted last night

2 Arachne

You can already tell that she's a spider from her name (sounds similar to "Arachnida" which is a class spiders belong to. Well, the word "Arachnida" comes from her name). Arachne was once mortal, but she was transformed into a spider by Athena after she challenged the Goddess of wisdom and crafts to a weaving challenge

3 Tsuchigumo
4 Anansi

Anansi is a creature from the African culture. He's depicted in many ways: a regular spider, a spider with clothes, or a man with spider legs

5 Ai Apaec

Ai Apaec is the chief deity of the Mochica culture. He's depicted as a spider-like creature with a human face and jaguar fangs

6 Iktomi

Iktomi is a spider-trickster spirit from the Lakotan mythology and is a culture hero for Lakotan people

7 Areop-Enap

Areop-Enap is a creature who played a major role in the creation of the world according to the Nauruan mythology

8 Spider Grandmother

Spider Grandmother is an important creation figure in the mythology of many Native American cultures

9 Uttu

Not to be confused with Utu, the solar deity. Uttu is the Goddess of weaving and clothing from the Sumerian mythology

10 J'ba Fofi

Also called the Congolese Giant Spider. I would never want to encounter a spider that's bigger than me.

J'ba Fofi is a cryptozoological creature said to exist in Congo

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