Best Stories by Aj Samih That Will Make a Great Movies

AJ Samih is the best writer in the world, he is full of fantasy and his brain is amazing he is full of passion and this list speaks about his best stories that will be a nice movies
The Top Ten
1 The X Return

This story speaks about war and love, and more things on it it will be a very nice story and the role of X well get lot of award maybe it'll reach an oscar award

2 Trouble With Them

It will be a nice kids movie

3 Stage of Fame
4 Mary Blone
5 Strand Corner
6 The Secret Key

This is a wonderful story will be a great movie also

7 Osama
8 The Escaping From Cornelius

The tragedy of living in iron bars, friendships and more it will be better than stephen king the shawshank redemption

9 The Expiation

It will be scary movie full of drama and blood maybe better than Saw itself imagine

10 The Frown

The great novel of AJ made to be a success movie

The Contenders
11 Triangle of Death

It will be a nice movie, for everyone

12 Arduous to Reach
13 Everyone's Greed

Will be a very good movie, with good parts also

14 The Isolation World

The best novel it will kills movies

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