Strangest But Funniest Ways to Die

The Top Ten
1 Dying of shock after seeing 'Out of Order' on the lift and you have an urgent meeting at your office on the 80th floor
2 Attempting to shoot gelatine, but the bullet bounces back and hits you straight at the heart.
3 By burping so hard that your lungs blow out

This list is messed up.

4 Somebody throws a pineapple on your head from the 100th floor and then dying of heart attack after seeing your hospital bill

Who made this list

5 Dying of happiness after Justin Bieber retires from singing

I think almost everyone almost died (except his fans) when he jokingly said that he was retiring but everyone thought it was true because he said it with seriousness. Too bad.

6 After being beaten up by a squirrel
7 Dying of pain after a sunburn in Antarctica
8 After being hit by a paintball at your crotch
9 Trying to put out a fire with kerosene

Kerosene will not extinguish fire. You need water

You would be a dimwit to do this.

10 After being hit by a coconut fired from a cannon
The Contenders
11 Becoming obsessed with Clash of Clans and neglect your real needs such as food and sleep

This was me freshman year of high school... I still don't know how I pulled off such a high average.

12 Being locked in a freezer
13 A game of spoons gone crazy

Spoons, a violent game where there is guaranteed to be an ER trip because Don and Blake fought over a spoon.

14 Getting sucked into a tornado filled with acid
15 While listening to Willow Smith, drive your car straight into a pole and get out the car. Then, Juatin Beiber would kidnap you and after being saved by the police, have one of them misfire their gun at your heart
16 Twerking on a train track
17 Saying "I'm gonna be somebody!" and then getting hit by a bus
18 Twerking in a dog suit with a bomb taped to your butt
19 Pretending to be Santa Claus and forgetting to put out the fire in the fireplace and falling into it
20 Putting a wasps nest into your pants
21 Fred Flintstone stabs you with a spork
22 Getting killed by a sharknado
23 Being at a party but you run out of alcohol then everyone rampages and you find yourself with someone with a glass bottle coming towards you saying this is your fault but then after he kills you with the glass, looking in the fridge finds everyone 5 more

The party guest overreacted just a little bit.

24 Trying to snipe someone but end up getting sniped in the process
25 Testing to see if a window on the 27TH floor breaks easily and it pops out of frame
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