Top Ten Strangest Things to Do When You're Sad

We all get sAD sometimes, however, some of use do rather unusual and strange things to make us feel better. The question is, what is the strangest?
The Top Ten
1 Drink your tears

If you ever been to a beach, you probably accidentally drank some of the nasty salt water. It taste disgusting, right? So, if your tears taste like the beach water, why drink it?

Really, I like the taste of my tears and saltwater.

2 Make with art with your snot

Doing clay modelling with your snot! Definitely strange!

That would surely be a unique painting!

3 Twerk to sad music

I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to twerk while someone is pouring their heart out in music... You know unless it a Miley break-up song.

4 Take selfies with hot strangers

Just because you took a photo with them, it dosn't mean your really WITH them.

5 Set fire to stuff

Why would you even do this? I mean, I get your sad but this is just wrong!

Lol then you are bound to be bashed out by your parents... good luck

6 Act like somebody your not
7 Watch "Super fun night"

Why watch it when you can have your own!

8 Look at happy stuff on Google images
9 Start a broken hearts band

"Good luck Charlie" bet you to that one.

10 Shave your head, hold two baby dolls while running downtown yelling "IM THE NEW BRITTNEY! JESSICA GOT NOTHING ON ME!"

Weather your sad or not, it's still pretty weird.

Umm... Random... I love it!

The Contenders
11 Masturbate
12 Think for hours

This..It doesn't lessen your agony, But there' s no escape from it either.

13 Reenact Silence of the Lambs with Dolls

Anybody who does this NEEDS Jesus ASAP!

14 Pretend to be really happy and hug random people
15 Talking with Other People

They'll probably do nothing about your problems.

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