Strongest Dinosaurs

The Top Ten
1 Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus, meaning "tyrant lizard", from the Ancient Greek tyrannos, "tyrant", and sauros, "lizard" is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. It also had a tremendous bite force, the strongest of any Dinosaur and living terrestrial animal. Its bite force reached up to 12,800 pounds (roughly 5805 Kilograms).

Spinosaurus is most likely bigger than T Rex, but that doesn't make it stonger. Spino had jaws and arms meant for catching fish rather than hunting large prey, and it likely hunted smaller dinosaurs. T Rex is very large, and while not the largest, had arguably the greatest bite force of any terrestrial predator ever. One bite and spino is dead. The only thing Spino has on T Rex is size, and let me also say that Spino's size is greatly exaggerated. The only good specimen found of it was destroyed in WW2 and most of the size estimated came from a scientist's notes regarding that skeleton, which we don't know for sure are accurate. The only predator I'd say that would have a remote chance of taking on T Rex is the Infamous Giganotosaurus, and they're pretty evenly matched.

Tyrannosaurus had a bite force of up to six tons. Spinosaurus had a bite force of two tons at most. Tyrannosaurus could also curl up to 450 pounds in each arm. Spinosaurus just slashed its arms at fish to slice them up so he could eat.

How is t-rex not number 1? how the hell is spinosaurus stronger?

Spinosaurus is not the strongest dinosaur ritenotasurus is the strongest one.

2 Spinosaurus Spinosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what now is North Africa, during the lower Albian to lower Cenomanian stages of the Cretaceous period, about 112 to 97 million years ago.

This dinosaur may be awesome, but movies make these dinosaurs into indestructible killing machines. They actually have a pretty weak bite force and ate mostly fish. Their back legs were actually short.

It is so strong I would ligit pasout like I saw a shark is swimin tords me all I'm saying is that he is the biggest, strongest fastest dinosaur I seen in the world and the Spinosaurus is super in the water it's like if you seen it and you looked away it would eat you in a second.!

Bigger, stronger than tyrannosaurus rex. Although tyrannosaurus rex has the strongest bite. So strong, if it bit you it would be like an elephant sitting on you.

3 Pliosaurus

The pliosaurus was one of the strongest marine reptiles during the Cretaceous period, if not of all time. It stood out to have one of the strongest bite forces of any marine reptile. This is the perfect position on this list for the pliosaurus.

4 Gigantosaurus

They t the biggest Carnivore in Creataeous Time period EARLY

5 Carcharodontosaurus Carcharodontosaurus is a genus of carnivorous carcharodontosaurid dinosaurs that existed between 100 and 94 million years ago, during the Cenomanian stages of the mid-Cretaceous Period.

This guy is cool

6 Mapusaurus Mapusaurus was a giant carnosaurian dinosaur from the early Late Cretaceous of what is now Argentina and possibly Chile.

I never saw this dinosaur it looks super gigantic it even looks bigger than spinosaurs especially from the head

This dinosaur had super strong teeth

This Dino is at least 14

Large and deadly dinosaur..truly worthy of a top 10

7 Allosaurus Allosaurus is a genus of large theropod dinosaur that lived 155 to 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic period.
8 Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic, about 154–153 million years ago.

It's a sauropod that was heavily built and weight 62 tons and could easily take on any land animal.

It should be number 1, its 40 feet tall and would destroy any carnivore on this list.

Could easily beat spinosaurus. Spinosaurus ate small fish.

The spinosaurus slashes wouldn’t do any damage because those claws were used to stab fish. Brachiosaurus would then whip it with its tail.

9 Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Argentina, during the early Cenomanian age of the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 99.6 to 97 million years ago.

This is like the strongest ever why isn’t this number one that would explain why it really is chunky and not how it is in the picture above and it has crests

10 Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus is a genus of armored dinosaur. Fossils of Ankylosaurus have been found in geological formations dating to the very end of the Cretaceous Period, between about 68–66 million years ago, in western North America, making it among the last of the non-avian dinosaurs.

This guy is boss. Should be number two. He has an 8 inch thick plate. What can bite through that without breaking their jaw? I don't know. Tail can easily smash bones. don't think of flipping him over. He will smash you in the face before you an even touch him. And even if you get through that, what about the weight of ten tonnes? I want you to think about how to defeat him.

Ankylosaurus has the toughest amour of them all. Not to forget that strong tail of his!

Strong tail like it

The Contenders
11 Apatosaurus
12 Velociraptor Velociraptor is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous Period.

The velociraptor is much smaller than what movies make it look like but if we are talking about Jurassic Park/World then yea, it would be very powerful, smart and deadly

Raptors are smart and fast unlike other dinosaurs they can jump high and can jump on the back of dinosaurs bigger then it

Yeah they can be in the same enclosure as a T Rex and not attack eachother plus they are smart enough to break through electric fences but they are more smart than strong

Raptors are smart and fast they can outnumber tyrannosaur

13 Triceratops Triceratops is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur that first appeared during the late Maastrichtian stage of the late Cretaceous period, about 68 million years ago in what is now North America.

World's strongest dino without any doubt

14 Argentinosaurus Argentinosaurus is a genus of titanosaur sauropod dinosaur first discovered by Guillermo Heredia in Argentina. The generic name refers to the country in which it was discovered.

Nope no the spino will win because it will keep slashing the argentinosaurus until it dies with its claws argentinosaurus is too slow to react

Spinosaurus trying to bite it would be like a shark biting a whale, it will do 0 damage.

The biggest sauropod ever! 10x heavier than Spinosaurus! 3x BIGGER than a Spinosaurus!
50x STRONGER! Argentines aureus can CRUSH! Spinosaurus!

15 Stegosaurus Stegosaurus is a type of armored dinosaur. Their fossil bones have been found in rocks dated to the Late Jurassic period, between 155 and 150 million years ago, in the western United States and Portugal.
16 Supersaurus

It is my second favorite dinosaur

17 Diplodocus Diplodocus is a genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaurs whose fossils were first discovered in 1877 by S. W. Williston.
18 Tarbosaurus Tarbosaurus is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that flourished in Asia about 70 million years ago, at the end of the Late Cretaceous Period.
19 Utahraptor Utahraptor is a genus of theropod dinosaurs. It contains a single species, Utahraptor ostrommaysorum, which is the largest known member of the family Dromaeosauridae.
20 Baryonyx Baryonyx is a genus of theropod dinosaur which lived in the Barremian stage of the early Cretaceous Period, about 130–125 million years ago.
21 Saurophaganax
22 Carnotaurus Carnotaurus, meaning "Meat eating Bull" in Ancient Greek, is a genus of abelisauridae theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now South America about 70 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period.

It should be in number 14

23 Brontosaurus
24 Ultrasaurus

It is the strongest dinosaur

25 Dromaeosaurus
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