Top 10 Stupid Things Americans Believe In

Here in the USA, we believe in a lot of stupid crap. So here it is, the Top 10 stuff we believe is to be either real, or good.
The Top Ten
1 Republicans are good people

Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act making it federal law, Chester A. Arthur signed the Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act making it federal law

Republicans worry about people's safety and threats to the U.S. unlike Democrats/Liberals that are more concerned about abortion and equal rights. Abortion kills the baby slowly and painfully, now I do think abortion is an issue, but we need to worry about threats to the U.S. and strengthening the boarder but liberals don't care do they no they think were invincible. The Democrats elected the dumbass we got for a president. Now they are complaining WAY TO GO. Obama is into Progressivism and that is basically Communism in disguise. Republicans are America's last hope.

2 George Bush was a good president

You say that now... But I wonder why then was he re-elected. If you say EVERYONE IN AMERICA believes he should never have been president, then after the first time, why did people vote for him?

I've got to say, since I'm not from the USA, I just place this question for people to think, but I may be awfully wrong as well. At least I show my name, not like the visitors who comment offensive things and don't show their faces. Sorry if I offended anyone, it is not the intention. My intention is to make you THINK from another point of view.

It seems more and more brain dead morons are being elected president and vice president in the case of Dick Cheney.

I looked on a list of Top Ten Americans he was #6. George W. Bush sealed with a lot as president. 9/11 and other things killed the economy and brought the U. S into deep debt.

3 Eurasia is full of bad guys
4 Guns solve problems
5 Shrooms are bad for you
6 The U.S. is the most important country on the planet
7 Taxpayer funded healthcare is Communism
8 All of England speak the same
9 Christianity

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. - George Washington

You calling George Washington Stupid?

Why. Just why is this on the list this is the most common religion guys! Whoever voted for this is either an athiest or a heartless person

United States of America deserves multiple beliefs/religions, never one

Do you not like people?

10 "Cup of coffee sometime" is still a good chat up line
The Contenders
11 is accurate
12 Metal is screaming and satanic
13 "British" is an accent

I am guessing you are American then. by the way this dude is not saying everyone in America believes this, they are saying that it is a general thought of the stereotypeed American.

14 Britain is England and are posh, drink tea and eat crumpets.
15 Homosexuals are weak
16 Scientology
17 America wins every war

Umm... Vietnam war everybody?

18 Obama is a Muslim
19 Mexico is full of maids
20 Abortion is murder
21 Illuminati
22 Aliens
23 Ancient Aliens
24 Creationism
25 Democrats care about poor people
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