Top 10 Stupidest Questions to Ask on a Test

If you're a teacher and you want to be more interesting, write these questions down.
The Top Ten
1 How long is your penis?

The absolute beauty of this question is almost indescribable.

That would be ironic if the teacher who asked that tpught at all girls school.

2 If I hate you will you still get an F?

Probably because my grades are bad.

3 If Dobby dies, will Ron eat his wand?
4 Can you answer this question wrongly?
5 Can I have your number?

Well this question is number 5 on the list so 5.

6 Why is this a question?

Because it has a question mark.

Because you put it on here.

7 Are you kidding me?

Yes, definitely.

8 Are you wearing a gun and holding a shirt?
9 If Mike WiLL Made It broke into your house, will you cry or chase him out?

Chase him out!

10 How many days are there in a year?

This actually happened when I was 14. My teacher asked this question and I replied with "There are seven days in a year."
She smirked and said "How did you come to this conclusion? "
It was worth the detention I got when I answered: "Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday..."

12, January, February, March, April...

Still counting them...

The Contenders
11 Will you marry me?

I would never marry a teacher who asked me this on a test no.

12 Where do you live?

The questions I am going to add are creepy questions that your teacher should hopefully not ask.

13 Is true that the wall Humpty Dumpty fell off was built by Trump?

That is so funny

14 Have you drunk my coffee?

I hate coffee, its nasty so no,

No, I poured it on your head!

15 Is Voldemort's nose on his head? If yes. Why does he smell...terrible?
16 How big are your boobies?
17 What is your OTP?

OTP...Orderly Taco Preference? I like salsa and olives on my taco.

18 Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?
19 Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
20 Have you ever used an assault rifle?
21 Do you want to have sex with me?
22 If something terrible happened to you right now would your parents be able to get to you?
23 How satisfying are your screams when being tortured?
24 Do you have a TopTens account?
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