Top Ten Stupidest Spontaneous Things to Do

The Top Ten
1 Commit suicide

Why would you do that? You have so much more beautiful things to live for...

2 Commit homicide

V, thank you. Just didn't seem right somehow to leave any jokes (not even ones of levity) at a time like this. Your thoughts are appreciated too.

Anger is one letter short of danger. Anything can happen in a split second and once done, can't be undone. A cliché but counting to ten in a state of "red mist" can make the difference between life and death.

3 Gamble large sums of money
4 Cheat on a loved one
5 Quit your job without having another job to go into
6 Joyride
7 Shoplift
8 Make an important decision
9 Tell a huge lie
10 Say something you regret

I don't think I will EVER learn from doing this. It's terrible. I either say something really embarrassing or really stupid and once said, I feel terrible and so does the person I've told it to. It's not so bad when I do this on this site because I can delete comments - although I can never be sure which members have already read it...

Happens to me all the time

The Contenders
11 Telling someone you love them
12 Telling someone your biggest secret
13 Pull down your teacher's pants
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