Top Ten Best Subreddits

The best mini-communities within the website reddit.
The Top Ten
1 r/woooosh

I knew this was going to be #1.

2 r/askreddit
3 r/TIHI
4 r/im14andthisisdeep
5 r/noahgettheark
6 r/technicallythetruth
7 r/instantregret
8 r/imsorryjon
9 r/WagInHeaven

A furry subreddit showing the good side of the fandom. It was originally r/YiffInHeaven (which is now called r/a:t5_nsb2g) but they changed it because the name needed to be more appropriate for a furry subreddit.

10 r/CrappyDesign

The Newcomers

? r/softwaregore
? r/crappyoffbrands
The Contenders
11 r/thatHappened
12 r/a:t5_nsb2g
13 r/DIWHY
14 r/me_irl
15 r/ShowerThoughts
16 r/ThereWasAnAttempt
17 r/furry
18 r/todayilearned

This is one of the on subreddits on this list that is not straight up garbage.

19 r/yiffinheaven
20 r/Furries
21 r/stopfurryhate
22 r/boneappletea
23 r/s*****reactiongifs
24 r/furry_irl
25 r/iamverysmart
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