Top Ten Super Powers That Have Downsides

The Top Ten
1 Invisibility

People would run into you left and right

Most powers have downsides

2 Heat Vision

Imagine the eye strain

3 Immortality
4 Ice Breath

It would especially suck in winter

5 Telekinises

Your brain might start hurting

6 Self-Duplication

Clone fights. enough said

7 Underwater Breathing

You might get caught by fisherman

8 Super Speed

Walls can always show up

9 Time Travel

people have been time traveling since the infancy of existence itself, simple/complex technologies taps into the space time continuum, humanoids across the entire universe utilize time travel to export/import resources, time travel is accessible to mortals & the Deep State of the home world keeps it a secret until it becomes the right time to reveal it all & make it available for the people who inhabit the world. every government across the entire universe is connected with earth's Deep State, earth-like worlds know humanity exists since they have technology identical to ours, science fiction is science fact, science proves everything

To be honest, I'd used time travel/freezing time solely to sleep or study more. or to use it Hermione-style. But... if ya mess up... Project Almanac can take it from there...

10 Controlled Mutation (like Hulk)
The Contenders
11 Animal Communication

Everyone will think your crazy

12 Mind Reading

Super hero with this power: There's my boyfriend/girlfriend
boyfriend/girlfriend: (Thinking) I hate my girlfriend/boyfriend
SHWTP: Darn it! Hey, do you love me, boyfriend/girlfriend
boyfriend/girlfriend: Yah, y not

13 Teleportation

An do you know exactly where you'll end up?

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