Top Ten Surprising Facts About Albert Einstein

On this list, you're gonna know facts about a famous genius man, Albert Einestein.
The Top Ten
1 Einstein was a slow learner as a child and spoke very slowly.

Because he was autistic.

2 Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel which he politely declined.

Oh wow. I'd like to do that.

3 Einstein Failed his University Entrance Exam and had to reapply a year later.
4 Einstein was famous for having a bad memory. He could not remember names, dates and phone numbers.
5 The pathologist who made Einstein body's autopsy stole his brain and kept it in a jar for 20 years.
6 Albert Einstein had no car of his own and he also never learned how to drive.
7 Albert Einstein didn't like to wear socks.
8 Albert Einstein's brain had a parietal lobe that was 15% larger than the average brain.
9 Einstein had an illegitimate daughter born in 1902.
10 Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity. It was actually for the photoelectric effect.
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